Stavian Industrial Metal Company visits and gives Tet gifts in Ninh Binh

On January 13, 2023, representatives from the leadership of Stavian Industrial Metal Joint Stock Company visited and presented Tet gifts to several organizations, units, and people with meritorious services in Ninh Binh province.

On the occasion of the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) of the Year of the Cat, the leadership of Stavian Industrial Metal organized a delegation to visit and inquire about the health and living conditions of the heroes who contributed to the revolution. The delegation also expressed gratitude for their dedication and sacrifices. Additionally, meaningful gifts were presented to the wounded and sick soldiers, as well as the staff and officials of Nho Quan Nursing Center for Wounded Soldiers, wishing them a joyful and warm traditional Tet, and readiness for a new year filled with health, happiness, and peace.

Stavian Industrial Metal’s board of directors and the delegation presented meaningful Tet gifts

The delegation was also attended by Mrs. Nguyễn Thị Thanh, Member of the Central Party Committee, Head of the Deputies Affairs Committee, Deputy Head of the Central Organization Committee; Mr. Mai Văn Tuất, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Mr. Đỗ Việt Anh, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Mass Mobilization Committee, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province; leaders of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; and representatives from several relevant departments, sectors, and organizations, as well as other businesses that accompanied the program.

The delegation visited and gave Tet gifts at Nho Quan War Invalids Nursing Center, Ninh Binh province

At the Memorial for National Contributors, located within the grounds of the Nho Quan Nursing Center for Wounded Soldiers in Ninh Binh province, the delegation solemnly offered incense to honor the great contributions and sacrifices of the heroes who fell for the independence of the country and the happiness of the people./.

Stavian Industrial Metal Joint Stock Company


  • Headquarters: No.508 Truong Chinh Street, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City
  • Hai Phong Branch: 6th Floor, Thanh Dat 1 Tower, No.3 Le Thanh Tong Street, May To Ward, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City
  • Southern Branch: 12Ath Floor, Vincom Center, No.72 Le Thanh Ton, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Hotline: +84 2471001868 / +84975271499






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