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What is steel round bar? Latest weight, mass volume and specifications table

Long before, intermediate steel types had the drawback of being excessively hard, making them prone to breaking. However, with the advent of steel round bar, this weakness was improved, gradually becoming an excellent choice for the construction and machinery industries. To better understand steel round bar, please refer to some highly useful information in the article below.

What is steel round bar?

Steel round bar is a type of material whose main composition is an alloy with a carbon content of about (0.42-0.50). This is a material with excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance, strong impact resistance, and high elasticity. Thanks to these advantages, it is widely applied in mechanical industries, mold manufacturing, gears, machine parts, bolts, and more.

This type of steel round bar is imported to Vietnam from other countries such as Japan, Taiwan, China, India, South Korea, the EU, Malaysia, various European countries, and more.

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Classification of steel round bar

Currently, the market offers a wide range of different types of round bar steel to cater to various needs. Essentially, steel round bar is categorized based on two main criteria: size and steel grade.

Classification of steel round bar by size: This includes various sizes from Ø10 to Ø610 with lengths of 6m, 9m, and 12m, respectively.

Classification of steel round bar by steel grade: S45C, S50C, S35C, S30C, S20C, SCM420, SCM440, SCR420, and more.

Common applications of steel round bar today

Due to its exceptional characteristics, steel round bar is highly favored for use in industries with purposes such as:

  • Creating molds for embossing, plastic molding, and more.
  • Machining mechanical components that require strength and high precision.
  • Producing dies for shaping, saw blades, rolled shafts, and other wear-resistant components.
  • Manufacturing bolts for telecommunications transmission and receiving stations.
  • steel round bar is also widely used in the automotive engine manufacturing industry and motorcycle spare parts. Notable examples of components requiring load-bearing capacity include bolts, shafts, screws, and more.

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Table of chemical composition and physical-mechanical properties of steel round bar

Chemical composition of steel round bar:

Steel code Chemical composition (%) 
C Si Mn Ni Cr P S
SS400 ≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.05
S15C 0.13 ~ 0.18 0.95 ~ 1.15 0.20 0.030 max 0.035 max
S20C 0.18 ~ 0.23 0.15 ~ 0.35 0.30 ~ 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.030 max 0.035 max
S35C 0.32 ~ 0.38 0.15 ~ 0.35 0.30 ~ 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.030 max 0.035 max
S45C 0.42 ~ 0.48 0.15 ~ 0.35 0.6 ~ 0.9 0.20 0.20 0.030 max 0.035 max
S55C 0.52 ~ 0.58 0.15 ~ 0.35 0.6 ~ 0.9 0.20 0.20 0.030 max 0.035 max

Physical-mechanical properties of steel round bar:

Steel code  Tensile strength  Yield strength Relative elongation
N/mm² N/mm² (%)
SS400 310 210 33.0
S15C 355 228 30.5
S20C 400 245 28.0
S35C 510 ~ 570 305 ~ 390 22.0
S45C 570 ~ 690 345 ~ 490 17.0
S55C         630 ~ 758       376 ~ 560 13.5

Manufacturing process of steel round bar

Step 1: Iron Ore Processing

Step 2: Creating Molten Steel

Step 3: Continuous Casting

Step 4: Hot Rolling and Cold Rolling

Step 5: Completion of Finished Steel Round Bar

Advantages and disadvantages of steel round bar


  • Diverse designs and various sizes available to meet current needs
  • Easy to work with and transport.
  • Flexible and bendable.
  • Can be cut, chopped, folded to desired sizes.
  • Smooth, round, and sleek steel surface, providing high aesthetics.


  • Electroplated steel round bar only has a thin layer of electroplating on the outside surface, resulting in low durability.
  • Galvanized steel round bar has a relatively high selling price.
  • Susceptible to shape changes under high temperatures.
  • Lengthy processing time.

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Specifications and weight calculation for steel round bar

To calculate the weight of steel round bar, here is a reference table of specifications and detailed calculation methods:

What are the specifications of steel round bar?

The application of steel round bar in construction, mechanical processing, and more is continuously growing. However, many users still struggle to understand the specifications of round bar steel, which can lead to difficulties in choosing the right type of steel for their projects.

In reality, the specifications of a type of steel with a circular cross-sectional shape and solid core are not as complex as many people think. Simply put, it is a specialized term that refers to various parameters such as thickness and weight of steel corresponding to different diameter values.

Why do you need to understand the specifications of steel round bar?

Some people might wonder whether it’s really necessary to understand the specifications of steel round bar. In reality, it is highly essential. Understanding the specifications of steel round bar brings several valuable benefits, including:

Helping customers quickly choose the right size of steel that fits their usage needs.

Clear understanding of the specifications of steel round bar enables you to select the correct material source to enhance efficiency, ensure durability, and maximize the lifespan of your projects.

Most importantly, you can save significant costs by understanding the specifications of steel round bar.

Reference table of specifications for common types of steel round bar

Here are the details of the reference table for the specifications of some popular types of steel round bar available in the current market. This lookup table will make it easier for you to compare and reference as follows:

mm kg/m mm kg/m
1 Steel round bar D6 0.22 37 Steel round bar D155 148.12
2 Steel round bar D8 0.39 38 Steel round bar D160 157.83
3 Steel round bar D10 0.62 39 Steel round bar D170 178.18
4 Steel round bar D12 0.89 40 Steel round bar D180 199.76
5 Steel round bar D14 1.21 41 Steel round bar D190 222.57
6 Steel round bar D16 1.58 42 Steel round bar D200 246.62
7 Steel round bar D18 2.00 43 Steel round bar D210 271.89
8 Steel round bar D20 2.47 44 Steel round bar D220 298.40
9 Steel round bar D22 2.98 45 Steel round bar D230 326.15
10 Steel round bar D24 3.55 46 Steel round bar D240 355.13
11 Steel round bar D25 4.17 47 Steel round bar D250 385.34
12 Steel round bar D26 4.83 48 Steel round bar D260 416.78
13 Steel round bar D28 5.55 49 Steel round bar D270 449.46
14 Steel round bar D30 6.31 50 Steel round bar D280 483.37
15 Steel round bar D32 7.13 51 Steel round bar D290 518.51
16 Steel round bar D34 7.55 52 Steel round bar D300 554.89
17 Steel round bar D35 7.99 53 Steel round bar D310 592.49
18 Steel round bar D36 8.90 54 Steel round bar D320 631.34
19 Steel round bar D38 9.86 55 Steel round bar D330 671.41
20 Steel round bar D40 10.88 56 Steel round bar D340 712.72
21 Steel round bar D42 11.94 57 Steel round bar D350 755.26
22 Steel round bar D44 12.48 58 Steel round barD360 799.03
23 Steel round bar D45 13.05 59 Steel round bar D370 844.04
24 Steel round bar D46 14.21 60 Steel round bar D380 890.28
25 Steel round bar D48 15.41 61 Steel round bar D390 937.76
26 Steel round bar D50 16.67 62 Steel round bar D400 986.46
27 Steel round bar D52 18.65 63 Steel round bar D410 1.036.40
28 Steel round bar D55 22.20 64 Steel round bar D420 1.087.57
29 Steel round bar D60 26.05 65 Steel round bar D420 1.139.968
30 Steel round bar D65 30.21 66 Steel round bar D430 1.248.49
31 Steel round bar D70 34.68 67 Steel round bar D450 1.276.39
32 Steel round bar D75 39.46 68 Steel round bar D455 1.420.51
33 Steel round bar D80 44.54 69 Steel round bar D480 1.541.35
34 Steel round bar D85 49.94 70 Steel round bar D500 1.667.12
35 Steel round bar D90 55.64 71 Steel round bar D520 1.865.03
36 Steel round bar D95 72 Steel round bar D550 2.074.04

Some Formulas for Calculating the Weight of Solid Round Steel

To calculate the weight of solid round steel, here are some methods that can be applied:

Method 1: Weight = 0.0007854 x OD x OD x 7.85

OD (Out Diameter): Outer diameter (unit: mm)

Method 2: Weight = R2 / 40.5

OD (Out Diameter): Outer diameter (unit: mm)
R (radius): Radius (R = OD/2) (unit: mm)

Method 3: Weight = R2 x 0.02466

OD (Out Diameter): Outer diameter (unit: mm)
R (radius): Radius (R = OD/2) (unit: mm)

Method 4: Weight = OD2 x 0.00617

OD (Out Diameter): Outer diameter (unit: mm)

Method 5: Weight = OD2/ 162

OD (Out Diameter): Outer diameter (unit: mm)

Table of weight for steel round bar



Specification Weight (kg/meter) Specification No Specification Weight (kg/meter)
1 Steel round bar Ø6 0.22 Steel round bar 46 Steel round bar Ø155 148.12
2 Steel round bar Ø8 0.39 Steel round bar 47 Steel round bar Ø160 157.83
3 Steel round bar Ø10 0.62 Steel round bar 48 Steel round bar Ø170 178.18
4 Steel round bar Ø12 0.89 Steel round bar 49 Steel round bar Ø180 199.76
5 Steel round bar Ø14 1.21 Steel round bar 50 Steel round bar Ø190 222.57
6 Steel round bar Ø16 1.58 Steel round bar 51 Steel round bar Ø200 246.62
7 Steel round bar Ø18 2.00 Steel round bar 52 Steel round bar Ø210 271.89
8 Steel round bar Ø20 2.47 Steel round bar 53 Steel round bar Ø220 298.40
9 Steel round bar Ø22 2.98 Steel round bar 54 Steel round bar Ø230 326.15
10 Steel round bar Ø24 3.55 Steel round bar 55 Steel round bar Ø240 355.13
11 Steel round bar Ø25 3.85 Steel round bar 56 Steel round bar Ø250 385.34
12 Steel round bar Ø26 4.17 Steel round bar 57 Steel round bar Ø260 416.78
13 Steel round bar Ø28 4.83 Steel round bar 58 Steel round bar Ø270 449.46
14 Steel round bar Ø30 5.55 Steel round bar 59 Steel round bar Ø280 483.37
15 Steel round bar Ø32 6.31 Steel round bar 60 Steel round bar Ø290 518.51
16 Steel round bar Ø34 7.13 Steel round bar 61 Steel round bar Ø300 554.89
17 Steel round bar Ø35 7.55 Steel round bar 62 Steel round bar Ø310 592.49
18 Steel round bar Ø36 7.99 Steel round bar 63 Steel round bar Ø320 631.34
19 Steel round bar Ø38 8.90 Steel round bar 64 Steel round bar Ø330 671.41
20 Steel round bar Ø40 9.86 Steel round bar 65 Steel round bar Ø340 712.72
21 Steel round bar Ø42 10.88 Steel round bar 66 Steel round bar Ø350 755.26
22 Steel round bar Ø44 11.94 Steel round bar 67 Steel round bar Ø360 799.03
23 Steel round bar Ø45 12.48 Steel round bar 68 Steel round bar Ø370 844.04
24 Steel round bar Ø46 13.05 Steel round bar 69 Steel round bar Ø380 890.28
25 Steel round bar Ø48 14.21 Steel round bar 70 Steel round bar Ø390 937.76
26 Steel round bar Ø50 15.41 Steel round bar 71 Steel round bar Ø400 986.46
27 Steel round bar Ø52 16.67 Steel round bar 72 Steel round bar Ø410 1,036.40
28 Steel round bar Ø55 18.65 Steel round bar 73 Steel round bar Ø420 1,087.57
29 Steel round bar Ø60 22.20 Steel round bar 74 Steel round bar Ø430 1,139.98
30 Steel round bar Ø65 26.05 Steel round bar 75 Steel round bar Ø450 1,248.49
31 Steel round bar Ø70 30.21 Steel round bar 76 Steel round bar Ø455 1,276.39
32 Steel round bar Ø75 34.68 Steel round bar 77 Steel round bar Ø480 1,420.51
33 Steel round bar Ø80 39.46 Steel round bar 78 Steel round bar Ø500 1,541.35
34 Steel round bar Ø85 44.54 Steel round bar 79 Steel round bar Ø520 1,667.12
35 Steel round bar Ø90 49.94 Steel round bar 80 Steel round bar Ø550 1,865.03
36 Steel round bar Ø95 55.64 Steel round bar 81 Steel round bar Ø580 2,074.04
37 Steel round bar Ø100 61.65 Steel round bar 82 Steel round bar Ø600 2,219.54
38 Steel round bar Ø110 74.60 Steel round bar 83 Steel round bar Ø635 2,486.04
39 Steel round bar Ø120 88.78 Steel round bar 84 Steel round bar Ø645 2,564.96
40 Steel round bar Ø125 96.33 Steel round bar 85 Steel round bar Ø680 2,850.88
41 Steel round bar Ø130 104.20 Steel round bar 86 Steel round bar Ø700 3,021.04
42 Steel round bar Ø135 112.36 Steel round bar 87 Steel round bar Ø750 3,468.03
43 Steel round bar Ø140 120.84 Steel round bar 88 Steel round bar Ø800 3,945.85
44 Steel round bar Ø145 129.63 Steel round bar 89 Steel round bar Ø900 4,993.97
45 Steel round bar Ø150 138.72 Steel round bar 90 Steel round bar Ø1000 6,165.39

Latest steel round bar quotation

The price of steel round bar will experience fluctuations depending on supply and demand levels. When the supply is insufficient, it’s evident that steel prices will rise. Conversely, if customer demand decreases and steel production exceeds consumption, prices will inevitably decrease.

Because of this, the price of steel round bar will vary during specific periods. Furthermore, the factor that can cause price fluctuations is the quantity of orders, whether they are numerous or limited.

Here is a compilation of the price list for steel round bar to provide everyone with a reference and understanding. Please pay attention that the table below will include the price range for plain round steel and unit prices. As previously mentioned, the price of this product will always change with each purchasing time, so customers are kindly advised to directly contact the hotline: (+84)2471001868/ (+84)975271499 to receive the current prices when making a purchase. Here is the detailed steel price list.

Below is the indicative price table:

Product name Barem (kg/m ) Price VND/kg Price per 6m
Steel round bar Ø6 0.22 16,500         21,780
Steel round bar Ø8 0.39 16,500         38,610
Steel round bar Ø10 0.62 16,500         61,380
Steel round bar Ø12 0.89 16,500         88,110
Steel round bar Ø14 1.21 16,500       119,790
Steel round bar Ø16 1.58 16,500       156,420
Steel round bar Ø18 2.00 16,500       198,000
Steel round bar Ø20 2.47 16,500       244,530
Steel round bar Ø22 2.98 16,500       295,020
Steel round bar Ø24 3.55 16,500       351,450
Steel round bar Ø25 3.85 16,500       381,150
Steel round bar Ø26 4.17 16,500       412,830
Steel round bar Ø28 4.83 16,500       478,170
Steel round bar Ø30 5.55 16,500       549,450
Steel round bar Ø32 6.31 16,500       624,690
Steel round bar Ø34 7.13 16,500       705,870
Steel round bar Ø35 7.55 16,500       747,450
Steel round bar Ø36 7.99 16,500       791,010
Steel round bar Ø38 8.9 16,500       881,100
Steel round bar Ø40 9.86 16,500       976,140
Steel round bar Ø42 10.88 16,500   1,077,120
Steel round bar Ø44 11.94 16,500   1,182,060
Steel round bar Ø45 12.48 16,500   1,235,520
Steel round bar Ø46 13.05 16,500   1,291,950
Steel round bar Ø48 14.21 16,500   1,406,790
Steel round bar Ø50 15.41 16,500   1,525,590
Steel round bar Ø52 16.67 16,500   1,650,330
Steel round bar Ø55 18.65 16,500   1,846,350
Steel round bar Ø60 22.2 16,500   2,197,800
Steel round bar Ø65 26.05 16,500   2,578,950
Steel round bar Ø70 30.21 16,500   2,990,790
Steel round bar Ø75 34.68 16,500   3,433,320
Steel round bar Ø80 39.46 16,500   3,906,540
Steel round bar Ø85 44.54 16,500   4,409,460
Steel round bar Ø90 49.94 16,500   4,944,060
Steel round bar Ø95 55.64 16,500   5,508,360
Steel round bar Ø100 61.65 16,500   6,103,350
Steel round bar Ø110 74.6 16,500   7,385,400
Steel round bar Ø120 88.78 16,500   8,789,220
Steel round bar Ø125 96.33 16,500   9,536,670
Steel round bar Ø130 104.2 16,500 10,315,800
Steel round bar Ø135 112.36 16,500 11,123,640
Steel round bar Ø140 120.84 16,500 11,963,160
Steel round bar Ø145 129.63 16,500 12,833,370
Steel round bar Ø150 138.72 16,500 13,733,280
Steel round bar Ø155 148.12 16,500 14,663,880
Steel round bar Ø160 157.83 16,500 15,625,170
Steel round bar Ø170 178.18 16,500 17,639,820
Steel round bar Ø180 199.76 16,500 19,776,240
Steel round bar Ø190 222.57 16,500 22,034,430
Steel round bar Ø200 246.62 16,500 24,415,380
Steel round bar Ø210 271.89 16,500 26,917,110
Steel round bar Ø220 298.4 16,500 29,541,600
Steel round bar Ø230 326.15 16,500 32,288,850
Steel round bar Ø240 355.13 16,500 35,157,870
Steel round bar Ø250 385.34 16,500 38,148,660
Steel round bar Ø260 416.78 16,500 41,261,220
Steel round bar Ø270 449.46 16,500 44,496,540
Steel round bar Ø280 483.37 16,500 47,853,630
Steel round bar Ø290 518.51 16,500 51,332,490
Steel round bar Ø300 554.89 16,500 54,934,110
Steel round bar Ø310 592.49 16,500 58,656,510
Steel round bar Ø320 631.34 16,500 62,502,660
Steel round bar Ø330 671.41 16,500 66,469,590
Steel round bar Ø340 712.72 16,500 70,559,280
Steel round bar Ø350 755.26 16,500 74,770,740
Steel round bar Ø360 799.03 16,500 79,103,970
Steel round bar Ø370 844.04 16,500 83,559,960
Steel round bar Ø380 890.28 16,500 88,137,720
Steel round bar Ø390 937.76 16,500 92,838,240
Steel round bar Ø400 986.46 16,500 97,659,540
Steel round bar Ø410 1,036.40 16,500 102,603,600
Steel round bar Ø420 1,087.57 16,500 107,669,430
Steel round bar Ø430 1,139.98 16,500 112,858,020
Steel round bar Ø450 1,248.49 16,500 123,600,510
Steel round bar Ø455 1,276.39 16,500 126,362,610
Steel round bar Ø480 1,420.51 16,500 140,630,490
Steel round bar Ø500 1,541.35 16,500 152,593,650
Steel round bar Ø520 1,667.12 16,500 165,044,880
Steel round bar Ø550 1,865.03 16,500 184,637,970
Steel round bar Ø580 2,074.04 16,500 205,329,960
Steel round bar Ø600 2,219.54 16,500 219,734,460
Steel round bar Ø635 2,486.04 16,500 246,117,960
Steel round bar Ø645 2,564.96 16,500 253,931,040
Steel round bar Ø680 2,850.88 16,500 282,237,120
Steel round bar Ø700 3,021.04 16,500 299,082,960
Steel round bar Ø750 3,468.03 16,500 343,334,970
Steel round bar Ø800 3,945.85 16,500 390,639,150
Steel round bar Ø900 4,993.97 16,500 494,403,030
Steel round bar Ø1000 6,165.39 16,500 610,373,610


  • The prices listed above are for reference only.
  • The quoted prices include a 10% VAT. Transportation costs are subject to agreement.
  • Product Standard: 100% new and unused, sourced directly from the manufacturing plant.
  • Allowable weight and thickness tolerances for pipes, sheets, hollow sections, and beams are approximately ± 5-7%, while for structural steel sections, it’s around ± 10-13% in accordance with factory standards. If there are any product discrepancies from the company’s side, customers are entitled to returns, exchanges, or discounts. Returned items must be in their original condition (unaltered, unpainted, rust-free).
  • Deposit payment method: To be determined through mutual agreement.
  • Inspection of goods should take place at the construction site or the delivery location. Full payment should only be made upon receipt of the complete order.
  • The quoted prices are valid until new notification is received.

Reliable, high-quality steel round bar suppliers on the market

Currently, there are numerous steel suppliers in the domestic market, which can make buyers unsure about where to find a reputable supplier.

Stavian Industrial Metal is proud to be a leading steel supply system, consistently highly regarded for its reliability. We always approach cooperation with sincerity and respect, aiming to mutually contribute to substantial growth. As a prominent entity, our operations are guided by:

  • Utmost honesty in advising customers on product quality, origin, and suitable pricing.
  • Promptly addressing customer inquiries, finalizing orders, and ensuring timely deliveries that provide attentive service wherever and whenever needed.
  • Building lifelong trust by satisfying customers through product quality and the service standards that Stavian provides.

Hence, if you’re seeking steel round bar, don’t hesitate to directly contact Stavian Industrial Metal Corporation for the most detailed consultation.

For all inquiries, please contact:

Stavian Industrial Metal Joint Stock Company


  • Headquarters: No.508 Truong Chinh Street, Nga Tu So Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi City
  • Hai Phong Branch: 6th Floor, Thanh Dat 1 Tower, No.3 Le Thanh Tong Street, May To Ward, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City
  • Southern Branch: 12Ath Floor, Vincom Center, No.72 Le Thanh Ton, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Hotline: +84 2471001868 / +84975271499

Website: https://stavianmetal.com

Email: info@stavianmetal.com




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